David Hernandez, a Los Angeles civic activist, tells Full Disclosure Network in this six-segment TV series of his legal challenge against Ballot Fraud, known as Prop. “R”.
The Full Disclosure Network® has captured on video the conflicting interpretations of the Elections Code made by Orange County and Los Angeles County Registrars of Voters.
The entire structure of our democratic process requires honest and dependable voting systems that are employed by honest and dependable people so that informed citizens can vote for the people and propositions that best represent their interests.
Los Angeles, CA. In this part two of the Full Disclosure cable and Internet TV program, Craig Holman of the Center for Governmental Studies exposed phony sample ballots sent out by California Congresswoman Maxine Waters which were prepared by a “for profit” slate card mailing operator, in an attempt to deceive voters.
On the second-half of the Full Disclosure Network® cable and Internet television program, Councilman Bernard Parks compared the recent dismal 27 percent voter turn-out in the L. A. Mayor’s race to a 67 percent turn-out in the democracy of Iraq.
A Second Look of a 2011 release by Emmy Award winning Full Disclosure Network® Voters in Orange County helped review the election counting process to verify the integrity of the vote count.
In a ten-minute video news blog, the Full Disclosure Network® has videotaped interviews with a cavalcade of angry citizens who say the OC Registrar provided them with faulty voter registration data, undermining their confidence in the ability of the County to conduct accurate or fair elections.
According to Craig Holman, of the Center for Governmental Studies and retired California Senator Dick Mountjoy (R.-Monrovia) “for profit” slate card campaign mailers are deceiving voters with phony endorsements that have been bought and paid for by the very people purportedly endorsed.