Los Angeles, CA The sixth State Superior Court Judge,James Chalfant, has stepped down from sitting on the Richard I. Fine case involving the County of Los Angeles.
On Wednesday, March 4, 2009 the Full Disclosure Network attended a Los Angeles Superior Court Contempt hearing in Judge David Yaffe’s Department 86 courtroom where he sentenced prominent Anti-Trust attorney Richard I. Fine to county jail indefinitely, until such time as he provides to the Judge his personal financial information.
Full Disclosure Network® presents a unique television interview with Ron Kaye, former Los Angeles Daily News Editor (1984-2008) as a part of an on-going cable TV series covering the criminal persecution of attorney Richard I. Fine who has been in solitary “coercive confinement” in the Los Angeles County since March 4, 2009.
Full Disclosure Network® presents a nine minute video news update on the long protracted legal battle involving a David and Goliath fight to stop judicial, bias, bribery, conflict of interest and corruption in the California Courts.
Los Angeles, CA Having filed a Federal Lawsuit against L.A. CountySheriff Leroy Baca and the Sheriff’s Department theFull Disclosure Network® was finally allowed access to an “on camera” interview with one of L. A.’s Political Prisoners,Richard I. Fine.
As a part of an on-going cable TV series entitled “Judicial Benefits & Court Corruption”, the Full Disclosure Network® is releasing an exclusive (9 min) video preview of Part 6 and 7 featuring Daniel Henry Gottlieb, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics with Purdue University for 40 years.
Supporters of jailed anti-trust attorney Richard I. Fine launched the first of several planned protests across the nation today in front of the Superior Court building.
Call for Special Prosecutor on HUD Loan & DOJ Cover-Up
Former U S ProsecutorRichard I Finedescribes how the U. S. Attorney’s Office has become involved in the HUD cover-up of a Marina del Rey $125 million loan guarantee for a luxury apartment complex.
This Part Two of the series features former U.S. Prosecutor Richard I. Fine and Daniel Gottlieb, Ph.D. providing commentary on the involvement of the Department and Justice and HUD on the “Shores” Real Estate development in Marina del Rey that at one time would have been a “sure thing”.
Two days following his unexpected release from L A Central Men’s Jail On Friday September 17, 2010 Richard I. Fine described the conditions in “coercive confinement’ and his eighteen month ordeal waging a legal battle for freedom from his solitary jail cell without an attorney.