Corporate turn-around executive H. Andrew Thornburg is featured in new cable TV and Internet series on the Full Disclosure Network® addressing the issue of a national energy disaster that he says is being generated by politicians who are out of touch with reality.
Vern McKinley, author of “Financing Failure” appears in this Segment 1 of a 9 segment interview from the Full Disclosure Network(R) Special Series on the Federal Reserve System.
Full Disclosure Network® presents B. Scott Minerd, Chief Investment Officer of Guggenheim Partners provides his insight on many of the critical issues facing America and California in a one hour video interview for cable television conducted by Leslie Dutton.
Secret bonds known as COPs (Certificates of Participation) bonds are being used by California cities, counties and school districts”to get a lot of cash up front to pay off their political patronage friends and then stick future generations of taxpayers without any voter approval of this long-tem debt.”
While investigating the Los Angeles Unified School District’s (LAUSD) $330 million Belmont Learning Center fiasco, the Full Disclosure Network® discovered a secret public financing operation whereby they quietly issue non-voter approved, tax-exempt bonds, mounting billions in public debt, and which is passed on to unsuspecting taxpayers for undefined projects .
Orange County Supervisor John Moorlach tells Full Disclosure Network(R) that California’s Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger should set up one more commission before he leaves office to decide how to put California in to “Receivership”.