Julia Davis, a former U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officer, and her husband, movie producer BJ Davis, tell the harrowing story that began on the Fourth of July when performing her job, she was targeted as a Whistleblower and Domestic Terrorist by the DHS. Julia said that the immigration law debate is an effort to close a gaping hole, but won’t improve the situation.
Los Angeles , CA International Security expert Alex Alexiev is predicting that amnesty for 11 million illegal immigrants in America is destined to destroy the Republican Party.
Former LA Sheriff Sergeant Richard Valdemar charges that universities, colleges don’t teach students a wide range of history anymore, only teach about abuses of minorities.
The pros and cons of a proposed initiative to ban California Drivers Licenses and taxpayer benefits to illegal immigrants is the topic of this part one of a two-part Full Disclosure program featuring former State Senator Dick Mountjoy author of a the Save Our License Constitutional Amendment initiative.
The Full Disclosure Network™ presents a six minute Video News Blog containing exclusive video clips from interviews withCardinal Roger Mahony, Fernando Guerra, Ph.D Loyola Marymount University and former California Senator Dick Mountjoy debating illegal immigration and Latino activism.
In an eleven minute Video News Blog, the Full Disclosure Network® presents “the news behind the news” the last day of the National Council of La Raza convention in Los Angeles on July 11, 2006.
In a seven-minute preview, the Full Disclosure Network™ presents L. A. County District Attorney Steve Cooley, Supervisor Michael Antonovich and Sheriff Leroy Baca describing how criminal aliens are NOT prosecuted under California’s Three Strikes Law.
In seven-minute video news blog the Full Disclosure Network™ presents L. A. County District Attorney Steve Cooley, Supervisor Michael Antonovich and Sheriff Leroy Baca describing how criminal aliens are NOT prosecuted under California’s Three Strikes Law.
The Full Disclosure Network® presents a six minute video preview of a new two-part series covering the growing controversy over violent crimes committed by illegal alien gangs in Los Angeles.