In an eleven minute Video News Blog, the Full Disclosure Network® presents “the news behind the news” the last day of the National Council of La Raza convention in Los Angeles on July 11, 2006.
U. S. STATE DEPARTMENT BRINGS FOREIGN JOURNALISTS TO FDN For Discussions on Integrity in Journalism, Media Ethics & Freedom of The Press For the past six years the Full Disclosure Network has hosted small delegations of foreign Journalists invited by the U. S. State Departement to share information on such topics as “Integrity in Journalism”
On December 7, 2014, the Full Disclosure Network launched its Critical Issues Series at a grand opening of their New Headquarters in Marina del Rey, CA.
Watch FDN video of The International Visitors Council of Los Angeles & US State Department meeting with 24 journalists from foreign countries at the Full Disclosure Network studios in Marina del Rey.
In anticipation of the May 1st boycott by undocumented immigrants and their sympathizers, the Full Disclosure Network® is releasing a ten-minute video news blog revealing the behind the scenes tactics and preparations.
Washington, D.C. Officials from nineteen foreign countries, and part of a State Department delegation, appear in a Full Disclosure Network® event that was sponsored by the International Visitors Council of Los Angeles.
The News Behind the News: International security expert Alex Alexiev reveals how the Islamic terrorists ISIS formed, is supported and protected by our NATO ally: Turkey.
On Sunday, October 15, 2006 8-9 p.m. and re-run on Monday, October 16th at 4-5 p.m. on L. A. Cable Channel 36, L. A. County Sheriff Leroy Baca is featured in a special cable and Internet television series accusing the Mexican government of “dumping” their citizens on the United States.